Stop Apologizing! Start Taking Up Space!

Stop Apologizing! Start Taking Up Space!

Some time during the fall, I began noticing how so many of us apologize for EVERYTHING.  “I’m in your way. I’m so sorry. Let me move for you.” I told this person no, and I’m interpreting that they won’t like that… I’d...
Infinite Ways to Create Everything

Infinite Ways to Create Everything

There are always infinite ways to create everything, but we are usually only able to come up with 1 or 2 when we’re trying to figure it out on our own because the rest of the ways are in our blindspot. I had this happen to me last night when a teammate checked...
Turning “Failures” into Wins

Turning “Failures” into Wins

Have I ever told you that I don’t believe in “failure”? Well, I don’t.  To “fail” is defined as “lack of success”, and only you can determine what success means to you as well as how you’ll know when...