The Power of Guided Storytelling

The Power of Guided Storytelling

HOWDY, BRAVE & DARING LEADER, Did you know that a well told story affects the brain in the same way that actually experiencing the event would? Well, it does, and it’s neuroscience, baby! If you’ve been noticing I’ve been implementing...
Slow Down to Speed Up

Slow Down to Speed Up

HOWDY, BRAVE & DARING LEADER — As always, it’s my hope that this newsletter finds you thriving as well as you can in the face of all the challenging and transformational opportunities that are present. 2020 is an invitation to heal, to love, to raise...
Do You Relate to Yourself as a Leader?

Do You Relate to Yourself as a Leader?

Now, more than ever, is the time to focus on our leadership.  If you’ve been receiving newsletters from me for awhile, you’ve probably seen me write (more than once) that leadership is not a title; It’s a way of being. First, we learn to practice how to be...
Do You Cause it? Or, Do You Wait for It?

Do You Cause it? Or, Do You Wait for It?

If you’re new to my blog, welcome! This is a way that I like to connect with you and share the things that I believe matter most when it comes to transforming your life, business, and career in a sustainable way.  If you’re a returning reader, it’s...
An Evening With James Comey

An Evening With James Comey

I’m excited to kick this blog post off in celebration that 4 amazing souls have already registered for the fall retreat I’m co-hosting, Release. Relax. Restore. While we have moved out of our early, early bird offer, you can still be an early bird. There...
Infinite Ways to Create Everything

Infinite Ways to Create Everything

There are always infinite ways to create everything, but we are usually only able to come up with 1 or 2 when we’re trying to figure it out on our own because the rest of the ways are in our blindspot. I had this happen to me last night when a teammate checked...