Slow down to Speed Up

Slow down to Speed Up

Why, hello there, awesome — What if I were to tell you that in order to create your business, your life, your dreams, or whatever it is that you’re up to designing, you actually have to slow down to speed up?  What if I were to tell you that just like...
Putting the Self Back into Self Care

Putting the Self Back into Self Care

Is it just me or did the week fly by?!? This month has been an incredible one from the Soulful Leadership Intensive I participated in, to my trip to Boston, to spending Sunday in Chapel Hill paying homage to some of my favorite music/musicians, to having pajama day on...
What to Do If Your Business Feels Hard

What to Do If Your Business Feels Hard

Quick question for you…have you ever wasted a day bogged down in the admin work of your business? Maybe you’re a rockstar coach, but you’re spending half your day onboarding clients when you’d rather be coaching… Or a killer graphic designer spending all...