Hello, my friend!

If you’re new to my blog, welcome! This is a way that I like to connect with you and share the things that I believe matter most when it comes to transforming your life, business, and career in a sustainable way. 

If you’re a returning reader, it’s so good to be with you again. I hope you’ve been well since my last share.

The focus of today’s blog will be on alignment. If this is a new arena for you, I hope you’ll love the game as much as I do!

You see, I gave up playing for balance awhile ago because I think it’s kinda b.s. I’ve seen it set people up to chase after a, seemingly, elusive thing that always changes and moves. Then, it can easily become another place we don’t feel like we’re measuring up.

Alignment is simple–We make choices that move us closer to what we want or further from what we want. It takes away the pressure of right/wrong, and it leaves us with more access to possibility. 

When we become more energetically aligned, it allows us to show up in our power and live out our purpose. Things seem to happen for us. Serendipity is everywhere. It’s, basically, like living from more of a flow inspired state. Life, business, and work is easy. We don’t have to work so hard.

If you’re looking to create more alignment with your energy, here are a handful of things I would recommend you practice: 

  • Follow the energy! You are being distracted if you’re trying to force things. If you’re following the energy, it will be easy.
  • Notice what distracts you from following the energy. How can you take the power away from that pattern?
  • How can you tell when the energy is there? Notice your breath, body, mind, and spirit. The more you dance with your feminine self, the more access you’ll have to your intuition, and that’s where you wanna create from. The brain in your head is only good for so much, which is why we have our heart and gut brains, in addition to…

I got to see the results of my increased energetic alignment show up while I led the retreat in the mountains, which was a huge success, by the way; it actually exceeded my expectations! 

When I get more energetically aligned, so does what I call in, which means all of my offerings just keep getting better and better.

The women that showed up for the retreat gave just as much as they received, and in a world of energy vampires, that can be rare. 

These women used our group chat to support each other for 6 days after the retreat had ended, and some of them are continuing to support each other. This is something I always want to see happen, but you just never know…

Re-integrating after powerful experiences in a transformational setting requires a recalibration of sorts. Over the time the group is together, the container of energy gets stronger and stronger, and it can feel jarring to come out of that and back into the world where things move fast and many humans are stressed out and suffering.

I chose to reach out to my coach as I was driving down the mountain because I could feel my heart wanting to close back off as I felt the speed and pain of those around me, but I know the world needs my heart to stay open so I can do my work. Seeing the women do this for each other on the backend, completed the entire experience for me.

Needless to say, this has me feeling crazy excited for the Costa Rica retreat in April!

If you have worked with me or another coach and you’d like to see if Costa Rica is a good fit for you. Let’s set up a brief chat to explore. This is for ladies only, and we will be focusing on owning our power and manifesting with science.

Here’s what a gal had to say about her mountain retreat experience: “Jenn really knows her stuff and I had an amazing transformational retreat with her. If you are looking to get unstuck and have a change in mindset, as a leader or entrepreneur she is who you want to go to!”

If you’re not ready to run off to Costa Rica and you’re in the Charlotte area, I’m also jazzed to be offering one of my signature workshops, A Bold Practice for Your Busy Brain: Slow it down. Stretch it out. Create your life. at Okra on December 7th from 10 am to noon. This workshop will leave you relaxed, recharged, and energy rich so that we can create a high level map in an area of life, biz, or work that will get you going or get you reconnected! It’s common that people come to this as a way to breathe more life into the goals and plan they have already made.

This is what a previous attendee said about the Bold Practice for A Busy Brain workshop: “I have taken yoga from Jenn and a few months ago participated in one of her workshops where coaching and support was offered in addition to her delicious, yummy, feel-good, smell-good deep stretch practice and I felt very rejuvenated by both and ready to return to my business that day with creative inspiration! I was in the process of taking a risk at the time that I wasn’t sure I was ready for financially- Jenn reminded me that when you take a step, the earth rises to meet you! Sure enough, I was way more ready than I thought i was! I’ll definitely be pursuing further coaching with Jenn in the future because she is worth it! She holds space in a nonjudgmental way but is also unafraid to rest in her own power and call you out on your sh*t when it needs to be done! I highly recommend Jenn whether you’re an entrepreneur or not.”

As we are approaching Thanksgiving, I notice that I’ve struggled to connect to gratitude as deeply as I’m committed to, so I’m going to get that back on track because there is no better way to create than to feel as though we truly have enough and are blessed.


My Bio
Jenn Shull is an ontologically trained life and leadership coach and certified yoga teacher who combines coaching, neuroscience, behavioral psychology, and yoga principles to support her clients in creating a bolder vision and life. Jenn focuses on mindset coaching and the science of transformation to help her clients fast-track results in their lives, businesses, and careers.


Ways To Work With Jenn:

Let’s chat about which option is the right one for you.