I truly hope this blog finds you embracing your present moment. Whether you’re experiencing joy, sorrow, stuckness, delight, grief, etc, what you resist persists. So–feel it fully, get the info your emotions are delivering to you, and stay on track to creating that magical life and business/career.

Back in October of 2018, I was practicing asking for what I need so as to make life and biz easier. Right after I put it out there that I wanted to be a guest on someone’s podcast, my friend, colleague, and former client, Abigail Gazda invited me to join her on her Hearts Unleashed podcast.

From business to relationship to wellness and self love, Abigail and I discussed the difference between self improvement and self mastery.


Self mastery is aligned with further discovering our fullest self and constantly evolving into who we know ourselves to be, naturally.

Our conversation also normalizes the way we, as humans, adapt every time we level up and then become comfortable again. It is in our nature to want to stay comfortable, and it jolts us alive to begin growing again! 

The whole point of Hearts Unleashed is to grant humans permission to be themselves and have fun creating our biggest lives!!

This episode is all the permission you want to keep elevating unapologetically and with power, grace, and light. Join us today to really fill up on some excitement to begin stretching again!

Please, share this newsletter with someone who may need to see this. *Note that because this podcast was recorded in October, the fall retreat we talk about has already come and gone, BUT the same one is being offered for 2019.

Oh, and, a reminder that the early bird discount for next week’s Yoga Off the Mat workshop at Okra ends after tomorrow (Wednesday), so snag your discount today! 

Not in Charlotte (or can’t make the date), contact me to schedule your very own 90 minute version of this workshop!


Jenn Shull is an ontologically trained life and leadership coach and certified yoga teacher who combines coaching, neuroscience, behavioral psychology, and yoga principles to support her clients in shifting their mindsets, so they can transform their businesses, jobs, and lives. Jenn created her business, The Bold Thing, to help people bring their visions to life in a sustainable way. The Bold Thing is: a thought to think, a conversation to have, an action to take, a way of life and an opportunity to experience deep fulfillment as you get paid to share your gifts.

Ways To Work With Jenn:

  • 1:1 Coaching
    • Overwhelmed Entrepreneur Package
    • Untapped Intrapreneur Package
    • Deep Dive Session
  • 1:1 Coaching and Yoga
    • Bold Practice for a Busy Brain Session
    • Yoga Off the Mat Session
  • Speaking and Workshops
    • Bold Practice for a Busy Brain
    • Wild West of Entrepreneurship
    • Recipe for ROI (entrepreneur version)
    • Recipe for ROI: Wellbeing & The Workplace (September 25th, corporate client)
    • Entrepreneur Envy
    • Sales: From Dirty Word to Delight
  • Mountain Retreat – Release. Relax. Restore. Boone, NC. November 7-10, 2019
  • Jungle Retreat – Playa Chiquita, Costa Rica. April 11-18, 2020
  • Team – Customized coaching and workshops
  • Group yoga
    • Thursdays at Okra 12:30 pm Deep Stretch
    • Fridays at Be Yoga (South) 4:30 pm Slow Flow

Let’s chat about which option is the right one for you.