Happy Holidays, dear one!

I’m so grateful to be connecting with you in this way because it means I’m coming out on the other side of–what has felt like–a dark night of the soul, which has lasted for the past month or so. While it hasn’t been fun, it’s been necessary in order to continue stepping into my chosen role of human, leader, coach, guide, entrepreneur, partner, visionary… If you or someone you know is going through this, my invitation to you is to STOP doing as much as you can and rest. Nothing magical will come from what you’re trying to force anyway. Trust me — I’m the queen of trying to force when I default over to my limiting mindset.

If you’re inbox is anything like mine, you’re probably getting tons of newsletters about the importance of powerfully completing 2018 so that 2019 gets to be designed from a clear and empowered place. Initially, I thought, “I don’t need to read all these; they all say the same thing”. Of course, I don’t need to — I GET to!

The best way to get great at something is to practice it, and here I am with a whole inbox of inspiring people reminding me to practice the same thing — completion. 

To be complete means we have ZERO energy left around the event, the thing, the person, etc. In this case, 2019 and all that did or didn’t transpire during it.

It sounds easy, but most of us haven’t been given the tools to ever truly get to a place of nothingness. When I say nothingness, I don’t mean nothingness like numbness. I’m talking about the way you feel when you’re encapsulated in a place that gets tons of snow. The feeling of sinking into the quiet din of nothing, but it’s really everything. 

And, so — we end up halfway to complete. We take another swing at the life, love, and career of our dreams, but because it’s being created on top of the same way of thinking and feeling, on we go around our hamster wheel running like crazy without ever really getting anywhere new.

Fuuuuuuuck that! We are not here to play that stale game anymore! 

I have some  invitations I extend to you in celebration of this new calendar year if you’re geared up to put down the overwhelm and short sighted thinking and replace it with ease and eagle vision. I’m practicing with you, as always, because mastery comes from consistent practice vs. mastery itself.


Here are my invitations: 

— Acknowledge yourself for all you created in 2018

  • Make a list of, at least, 25 things you are proud of.

— Do what you need to go to let that shit go!

  • It won’t be cool to have 2018’s shortcomings being dragged into 2019; it’s already challenging enough to stay out of your way — no need to make it harder.

— Notice yourself thinking and speaking things like:

  • I’m not good enough.
  • I’m too stupid.
  • I’m too old.
  • What if it all falls apart?
  • I secretly hope he/she fails, so it’ll be okay if I fail.
  • I’ll wait to invest in me and my future when I have enough money.
  • I’m too busy.
  • Nobody understands me.
  • I’m all alone.
  • Nobody will take me seriously.

— Replace those thoughts and words with things like:

  • What if there were nothing to fix?
  • What am I brilliant at?
  • What’s magical about this age that’s only possible at this age?
  • What if everything is okay, always has been, and always will be?
  • There is no such thing as failing, so let’s all fall down and get back up together.
  • What’s possible if I take a risk on myself and my future?
  • Life is full, and I chose ALL of it, and I release whatever I won’t chose.
  • People understand me when I allow them to.
  • I am always connected to the divine.
  • People will take me seriously if I do. I will own my voice and my power.

— Notice the limiting beliefs you are unwilling to let go of and the new ways of thinking that are seemingly impossible to get behind.

  • Commit to getting support with this because there’s only so far you will get on our own, and you deserve to have everything that’s in your heart. 

— Design a 2019 that you have no idea how to create.

  • You know it’s possible, but you don’t know how to make it happen. You may start to get the impression that you simply cannot create it on your own and stay sane, which prompts you to holla my way. Kidding! But, not really — I totally want to see you live your life to its fullest and love your work! Gah! I want that so badly! 
    • Maybe you’re ready to take your career back and step into your true role as visionary instead of blaming your lack of fulfillment on the corporation…
    • Perhaps it’s time to finally get that side hustle going…
    • Is 2019 your year to fully cross over the threshold to self employment?
    • Is it time to make some money so you can thrive instead of survive?!?
    • Do you get to have some FUN this year instead of work and stress and be a victim to all the money you’re making?!?
    • Could it be time to take your relationships, including the one with you, deeper?
    • Will you be done seeing yourself as something to fix because you are not a house; you’re a human!?

My deepest desire for 2019 is that you and I continue healing from our pasts, experiencing gratitude with the present, and designing futures that will require us to keep stepping into the transformation our souls are here for. 

I love you, and I’m here for you in anyway I can serve you, and if I’m not the one to support you, I’ll help you find who is.


Jenn Shull is an ontologically trained life and leadership coach and certified yoga teacher who combines coaching, neuroscience, behavioral psychology, and yoga principles to support her clients in shifting their mindsets, so they can transform their businesses, jobs, and lives. Jenn created her business, The Bold Thing, to help people bring their visions to life in a sustainable way. The Bold Thing is: a thought to think, a conversation to have, an action to take, a way of life and an opportunity to experience deep fulfillment as you get paid to share your gifts.


Ways To Work With Jenn:

  • Private 1:1 Coaching – Overwhelmed Entrepreneur Package, Corporate Visionary Package, 90 minute Deep Dive Session
  • Private 1:1 Coaching and Yoga – Bold Practice for a Busy Brain Session, Yoga Off the Mat Session
  • Group Coaching – Coming soon
  • Group Coaching and Yoga – Bold Practice for a Busy Brain: Jan 20th at Be Yoga (Dilworth) 2-4 pm, March 2nd at Okra 10 am – 12 pm, Coming soon: Yoga Off the Mat
  • Speaking and Workshops – Wild West of Entrepreneurship, Recipe for ROI (entrepreneur version), Recipe for ROI: Wellbeing & The Workplace, Entrepreneur Envy, Sales: From Dirty Word to Delight
  • Team – Customized coaching and workshops
  • Private 1:1 yoga – customized restorative and mindful flow yoga sessions
  • Group yoga – Mondays at Be Yoga (Dilworth) 10:15 am Deep Stretch, Thursdays at Okra 12:30 pm Deep Stretch, Fridays at Be Yoga (South) 4:30 pm Slow Flow, new day and time for Mindful Flow at Ebb and Flow Movement Studio TBA

Let’s chat about which option is the right one for you.