Last week, I had a call with one of my clients, and she was really feeling stuck. Emotionally, she was experiencing ups and downs. Her inner dialogue was fluctuating between “I can do this!” and “I can’t do this!”
What was happening was occurring because she was facing making a decision that would impact her career and life significantly, and she was afraid.
She didn’t know what to expect. She knew there were pros and cons associated with each choice. She wanted to make everybody happy. She didn’t want anyone to be upset with her.
She was stuck — just like each of us have been, at some point, when up against a big choice.
Both of us were grateful we were on the phone that morning because this way of being was exhausting, frustrating, confusing, and getting in the way of her showing up in her full power as a leader in her company and in her life.
We began to examine how she wanted to invest her time and energy as a leader. Where she wanted to contribute most. How this would impact her life outside of work.
Next, we got clear on the impact she wanted to make.
From here, she began to tap back into the excitement that shows up when we create our lives from an intentional place. She began to have access to a newfound willingness to choose.
At the end of the call, she said something profound and true. She said that “delaying the decision has no value. It’s just a way to avoid.”
If you’ve been with me for the past handful of years may remember when I wrote a blog post all about choosing (and re-choosing) our choices… rather than writing about the same thing, I decided to make a 6 minute video (see below) looking at choices through a bit of a different angle. I’ve gotten some really great feedback on it from friends and clients — enjoy and please let me know what your biggest takeaway is that you will implement in your own life!
*Speaking of making bold decisions… I said YES to being a long term sub for the 4:30 pm slow flow class at Be Yoga (Dilworth) while one of our teachers is on maternity leave. Even though I chose powerfully, my fear has been making me second guess it, so my job is to keep re-choosing my choice, which is one of the tips I share in today’s video.
**Don’t forget to join me at the next WINGS meeting on August 15th from 7 pm – 9 pm at Petra’s where we will be talking about Sales: From Dirty Word to Delight.