I didn’t realize it was voting day yesterday until I began seeing everyone posting pictures of themselves with their “I voted” stickers and words of encouragement to get our booties out there.
After becoming aware, my first thought was that I would just have to sit this one out because “I don’t have enough time”. At this point of the journey, I’m suspect when myself or anyone else chooses to use this phrase because, typically, it’s a reflection of the way we’re relating to time in that moment. IE: It’s scarce. There’s not enough of it. It’s a hot commodity. Etc.
While sometimes we truly aren’t able to create the space, what usually happens if we take a second look from a place of higher altitude, we see there’s always more of it than we initially thought.
After looking at my schedule for the day, I saw that I could chose to not to write my newsletter. You all know how committed to this I’ve been, so that didn’t feel so good to entertain as an option.
Then, it was back to where I started — I’m sitting out. There’s definitely not enough time, and I can prove it by looking it my schedule!
I got even more curious as I noticed I was now looking for proof to convince myself.
I asked myself what I was committed to.
Shoot. I was passionate about doing both, but I knew that if I tried to cram that much in, I would create an experience of overwhelm, and that wasn’t going to work either.
Seeing I wanted it all, but not knowing how to make it happen in a way that would serve me was an invitation to look at the bigger picture…
From that place, I was able to see that while they both mattered, voting was aligned with making an impact on a larger scale, leading by example, and using my voice. It was what I would call a big C commitment. When compared with that, I could see that the newsletter was more a little c commitment in comparison.
By now, you’re probably wondering how the heck you’re ready this newsletter since I just told you I decided not to do it…
Here’s my favorite part:
Even though today is full, full, full, and I’m flying to Boston tomorrow to see one of my best girlfriends, somehow space for this newsletter opened up automagically because I actually woke up believing I had lots and lots of time.
What little c commitments can you pause and/or let go of so as to put your energy towards what really matters knowing that it will open up something new and magical in your world?
Before I go, mark your calendars for May 23rd from 8 pm – 9 pm EST for a FREE 60 minute workshop: Putting the self back into self care! Sarah Berry Crawford, Life Coach for Sensitive Souls and I will be giving you a sneak peak into our fall retreat: Release. Relax. Restore. Early bird discount is good through the end of the month!