As promised, I’m sharing why making a powerful choice, speaking it out loud, and taking a step towards it is the first action required to getting what you want.  

Sounds simple, huh?! It is — we just make it hard.  😉

Did you know that even though we think we’re making choices, often times we’re not?  Most of us don’t think the things we really really want — like deep down really want — are even possible b/c we don’t know how, so we don’t actually choose anything.  Or, we settle.

Explains why so many human beings are wandering around living unfulfilled lives, right?!?  

How to make a powerful choice:

  • Stop choosing from what’s predictable, and take a swing at choosing from what’s possible even if you don’t know how it’ll happen.  That’s where the magic lives!
  • Stop choosing from your feelings.  They change like the wind. Start choosing from what you’re committed to creating in your life.
  • Get out of your head and into your heart!  Dreams do not live in your mind.  


Why we speak our choice out loud:

Have you ever heard the saying words create worlds?  Well, now you have!

  • There is power in what we say when it comes from a solid intention/choice.  
  • It’s important to hear ourselves speak what is in our heart.  
  • There’s a higher level of accountability when we share it with others.  
  • We invite the magic of the universe to show up when we say it out loud.  Don’t believe in magic? Now’s the time to start! It’s daunting to take these things on without the support of something bigger than us.  


Taking the first action step

This is the place where so many dreams die.  If you don’t take action, you will not create.  If you’re waiting for the universe to wink at you, I’d invite you to consider that it’s waiting for you to wink at it.  

  • Don’t worry about figuring out everything right away even though your mind will tell you to.  Ask it to wait. Choosing what you want and saying it out loud to yourself, others, and the universe has already opened up space for so much of the “how” to get filled in.  
  • If you imagine that you are plugging your dream into your GPS, what is the first turn of your journey?  What is the first road you will travel down? This is the same thing. This will be your first action.
  • Is the action in service of creating the final outcome?  We like to do things just for the sake of doing because it creates a false sense of enoughness.  It’s a waste of your time and energy, and you could be having more fun and play if you eliminated that from your diet.  


After you’ve made your choice, you’re speaking it powerfully, and you’ve created the first action step – it’s predictable that you’ll start getting freaked out and putting stuff in the way of it.  Both subconsciously and consciously. Or, you’ll forget about it.

Wishing you flow, magic, and the endless possibility that is out there for every single one of you.