I have a question for you today, and the question is this: do you relate to yourself as leader? And why does it matter?

Before I tell you why it matters, take a moment to really be with the question. Sit with it. Once you’ve got your answer, keep reading. (If your answer is “I don’t know.”, let’s put you in the no category so you’re not stuck trying to figure it out.)

Leadership is necessary to rock out your biz (and your life) if you wanna get really real about it, and you know I do. 

If you’re feeling a little fear creep in at this point, no worries! Let me normalize it for you — leadership can feel scary for all of us!

Who do we need to be? What are we “supposed” to do? 

The call to show up at your highest and best is constant.
When we truly choose to step into our leadership, self care becomes even more non-negotiable.

To keep growing, we have to be able to make shifts that keep us on our leadership journey, but we can’t shift something we don’t own, and we can’t own it if we don’t see it. To see it requires the level of presence that only pristine well-being provides as it the foundation for transformation.

It’s clear when we show up as the leader of our business and when we don’t, and there’s an impact either way. 

It’s also obvious when someone decides to stop developing their leadership, and we can look to the results we are (or are not) generating to see that.

So, where do you go from here?

If you consider yourself a rockin’ leader, yahoo! Keep keepin’ on so your impact can be even greater, and be mindful of those who may be looking to you for guidance. Practice what you preach!

If you are reading this feeling pretty present to the gap in where you are and where you want to be, my invitation is this — instead of focusing on the gap and feeling “not good enough”, choose the structure that will move you forward. 

There a ton of great books out there, but in my experience resources of that nature are always more powerful as the supplement, not the thing. There are leadership development programs. There are leadership coaches. There are opportunities to step into leadership by serving others. ETC. Choose what will work best for you!