The topic of today’s blog is alignment. Those of you who have been connecting with me over time know that this theme is something I focus on heavily in my own life, in my business, and in my coaching. Lately, I’ve been seeking to not only think, speak, and act in ways that align with the vision I have for myself, but for the possibility I see for the world.

In the last newsletter I shared, I noticed a typo that occurred when Mailchimp autocorrected something that didn’t need changing. Anyone else see where cocreation said concretion? Well, it turned out to be a really great practice for me to give myself love and grace when my old feelings of perfection wanted to do anything but that. So, I coached myself to act in alignment with what I’m committed to vs. how I felt. 

I remember feeling surprised at how kind I was able to be with myself when that lens of perfection was fighting so hard to be in control. My old story/neural pathway used to have some barbaric belief deep down that if I bullied myself enough, I would learn my lesson. It was self abusive if we honestly call that behavior what it is. Can you relate? 

The aligned thing to do when we say we love ourselves is to act like it.

When I was out on my walk and coaching myself, lo and behold, I began writing this newsletter — Thank you speech to text!

What I’m sharing divinely demonstrates the magic of alignment. Things can flow through us easily, and we are in a state of receptivity when we are truly aligned.

A few things that help bring me back into alignment are to start breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth with my hands over my heart. This starts to calm the nervous system as our fresh oxygen tells us that all is well. It also activates the heart energy center, which is hands down the most potent thing we have access because it’s the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the body. If this sounds like “woo woo” to you, I assure you this is 100% rooted in science. No new age b.s. going on at The Bold Thing!

I then begin to ask myself what kind of thoughts would be a reflection of love, and I practice thinking them. If it’s really feeling forced, I’ll lean into whatever emotion I’m experiencing and fully be with it so I can elevate out of it. I’ve also become fond of asking my spirit guides for help. If that is not your thing, give it over to whatever you give it over to. If you don’t do that either, you best practice some fierce trust in your own self. 

When we are aligned at this type of cellular level, the alignment in our lives, businesses, careers, roles as parents, and all that good stuff magically come into integrity. Our spaces are clean. We thrive. 

If you already know all this, my invitation is to be a student and practice what I am saying right now.

I went to a lovely event over the weekend and most of what was taught was repeat, but it was exactly what I needed to get back into some of the practices that I know serve me.

Doing what we know works for us over and over and over is how we become masters. It’s important to hear things more than once and from a variety of people when we are on that path. Most importantly, this will, ideally, get you in touch with your inner teacher, so you’re not relying on a guru. You are your own guru. 

Please, know I’m here if I can offer any 1:1 coaching support for you. Coaching isn’t about relying on me; it’s about learning how to rely on YOU. If you want to chat about possibilities, simple reply to this email. 

Speaking of alignment… you’ve gotta check out the latest “Living A Bold Life” episode with me and Fabiola. If you remember, the name of her biz is “Thrive and Align”!  How Fabiola and I met is the very definition of alignment, and we do chat about that in the episode.

The week before that, I got to spend time with Patty where we chat about being agile. You can catch that episode here