Hey there, brave and daring leader!
I hope this email finds you thriving on all levels. To clarify, you can be in all your feels and still be thriving because emotions are normal and healthy as long as we’re not getting stuck in them. To thrive doesn’t mean everything has to be flowing and amazing. We all know there’s a natural ebb to the flow, so let’s normalize that.
Speaking of flow… how does it show up for you?
When I’m in flow, I notice my breath is expansive and deep.
My body is light, gentle, and open.
My mind is clear, calm, and focused.
I trust and know that I am being deeply cared for by the divine.
I meet aligned people at the aligned time.
I create results with ease.
I’m joyful.
I allow.
When you are resisting flow, what’s that like?
For myself and many of my clients, it often shows up as control, which is form of resistance.
When I’m in resistance to flow, I notice my breath is labored and shallow.
My body is tense and contracted.
My mind is foggy, busy, and scattered.
I struggle to trust and feel the gracious connection to the divine.
I am misaligned and attract opportunities that seem like they could be cool, but they’re not because they don’t quite fit.
I work HARD.
I’m a complaining, powerless victim.
I force.
When we resist, it typically means we’re scared.
If you notice resistance, what are you afraid of? (Keep in mind that fear can show up as overwhelm and those lower frequency emotions, which may make it more of a challenge for you to label without an honest reflection… We label it so we can understand and let it go, NOT so we can make it real and meaningful.)
What for use all that energy to resist when going with the flow is so much easier?
Anything you’re fighting like mad to hang onto? What for?
After spending quite some time in the ebb trying to force, control, worry, etc. I’m finally through that gnarly breakthrough (in being more and doing less) and back in flow.
I’m in the middle of a pretty big rebrand, and it’s exciting! It’s also scary. With each rebrand is me owning even more of who I am and what the work I do through The Bold Thing represents.
I’ve been participating in a group program to support me in detoxing the patriarchy and brining my divine masculine and feminine parts even more into balance. We meet weekly, and it’s almost all experiential. So much so that I can barely speak about it to anyone outside of the circle. It is some seriously deep and transformative work! (If you’re interested in that sort of thing, it’ll be offered again in January. Just reach out and I’ll be happy to share the woman’s info with you.)
I’ve been sad at times with this being the longest I’ve gone without seeing my family in 5 years.
I’ve been grieving the loss of not 1 retreat cancelled this year, but two. Each has been rescheduled for a full year out. (Ladies who have taken on some transformation work, 2 spots have opened back up for Costa Rica April 2021 — Reply to this email if you want to talk!)
Lately, flow seems to be accessed by being fully present, moving slowly and with awareness as well as curiosity while incorporating some higher energy workouts to balance out all the yin type restorative yoga I love so much.
The divine joke I always attempt to laugh at when I resist is that flow is actually my life purpose. Doh! Remember — spirit has a sense of humor! I mean… what a brilliant plan to give a controlling human a purpose of flow! It’s a great big invitation to do the work I do if I’ve ever seen one.
The most beautiful thing about being in flow is that we can share it with each other because there is a neurochemistry to a conversation. I firmly believe this is part of why my clients thrive so much. We share energy. I do what needs to happen to enter the space clean and clear so whatever they hand off to me reflects off me and goes back out into consciousness. This is why the most important piece of my job is radical self love and self care; it’s the foundation of all things.
Wanna share some flow?!? Because I’ve got some opportunities for you!
Fresh Air Yoga at Okra begins this Monday!
We have 16 socially distanced spaces, and it’s first come first serve.
Please, register online.
Masks required during check in