If you’re new to my blog, welcome! This is a way that I like to connect with you and share the things that I believe matter most when it comes to transforming your life, business, and career in a sustainable way. 

If you’re a returning reader, it’s so good to be with you again. I hope you’ve created a great couple weeks since my last share.

The focus of today’s blog will be on leading by example as I believe each of us soars to greater heights in our lives, business, and careers when we can continue embodying who we are as a leader in all realms. 

Last week, I attended an event here in Chalotte–TheSircle Executive Club Dinner. The person who hosts this monthly gathering of leaders created this as a way to source the types of conversations he feels are necessary to create a shift in the current paradigm. This alone demonstrates his commitment to leadership–he caused the thing he wanted to see vs. waiting for someone else to do it! In coaching land, we like to say he was responsible for making it happen instead of being at the effect because it didn’t.

I like to think that the fact I get invited to these events says something about my leadership as well because they are private invite only, and I’m on the list. I get invited because I created it that way; it didn’t just happen. 

I attend these events for so many reasons… The age range of leaders is expansive. It’s not just a bunch of men sitting at the table. There are people from different ethnicities and cultures. We eat great food. We sip on nice wine. There is a different guest speaker every time who is up to making a huge impact in the Queen City. Typically, I go on to connect with these humans outside of the dinner, and we build relationships. I could keep going…

While I could have gone on naming, the biggest reason I attend TheSircle dinners is because it gives me hope. Seeing men and women of all ages and backgrounds coming together to break bread, hold space, share from their hearts, have uncomfortable conversations in service of growth… Leaves my cup full. 

These dinners also invite me into a bigger game as I’m usually one of the youngest there, and I feel I have so much to learn from those around me. It’s important to be with people who invite you to up the ante otherwise you may get complacent, which leads to not good stuff.

I left the dinner with questions to bring to my coach:
What’s working currently working with my leadership?
What can work better? 

I lead by example with everything I preach because mastery comes from practice, and I want to be a master! I’m not sure when one can actually claim that, and I’m excited for that day. That’s a huge piece of what inspires me and my own leadership, so I can keep making a bigger impact. Hence the question I left asking myself.

Now, some questions for you if that would be supportive:
What’s working with your leadership?
What can work better? 

Do you have spaces you can be with people who call your leadership forth?
What are you causing?
What are you waiting for? 

As always, remember that leadership is a way of being and not necessarily a title assigned to you.

Imagine what’s possible if everyone on the planet claims who they are as a leader?!? That’s the game I’m inviting you into. That’s a game that’s worthy of you. 

As always, different ways you can work with me are listed below. The intention is never to be “salesy”, but to give you plenty of options of ways you can be supported so you feel empowered.

Please, share with anyone who may appreciate anything in this newsletter. It takes a village is what I’m reminded of every single day.

If you’re in the QC and you’d like to get together this Sunday from 2-4 with some great women, we will be practicing yoga, gratitude, and learning about nutrition. Check it out! I’ll be there.

There are still 3 spaces left in next week’s retreat in Boone, NC at the gorgeous Art of Living Retreat Center. We will doing some yummy restorative and gentle yoga, meditating, breathing, eating well, napping, learning, connecting, etc. Join us! 


My Bio
Jenn Shull is an ontologically trained life and leadership coach and certified yoga teacher who combines coaching, neuroscience, behavioral psychology, and yoga principles to support her clients in creating a bolder vision and life. Jenn focuses on mindset coaching and the science of transformation to help her clients fast-track results in their lives, businesses, and careers.


Ways To Work With Jenn:

Let’s chat about which option is the right one for you.