In June of 2018, I had the honor and privilege of writing a guest blog for Eli Pacheco — Coach Daddy.  

Eli is a futbol coach, writer, and dad. Sometimes, all at once. Sometimes, it’s hard to see the difference! That’s why his blog is called Coach Daddy. Fun, right?!?

Why it’s taken me this long to share it with you is beyond me, but here goes… LOL I just answered my own question–it’s taken me this long because it’s pretty vulnerable. I share a lot of my story, and believe you me… I was a well put together mess. “Perfect” on the outside. In a silo of suffering on the inside. 

Here we go!

“Self CARE. Self LOVE. Well BEING. WellNESS… We are being inundated all the time with tips, tricks, techniques, and advice on the aforementioned topics. New experts in these (and related) fields are being born every second of every day. 

Fair to say this is some important stuff?! You get to chose. For me, the answer is YES! 

What I believe to be true is this — Self care is: a divine responsibility. Not selfish. Not something to perfect. A practice. A commitment. Not always easy. Different for everyone. Absolutely necessary if you plan on tapping into the magic that lives outside your comfort zone. A reflection of your relationship to yourself. I could go on. 

If the resounding YES wasn’t enough to get the message across that I’m a stand for self care, clearly, we’re on the same page now! 

Rather than tell you that you should be eating your fruits and veggies, getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night, getting your heart rate up for, at least, 30 consecutive minutes per day,  giving and receiving nourishing hugs, etc., I’m going to share about self care from a deeper level… 

Self love. AKA — your relationship to you. 

After all, if we aren’t practicing loving ourselves more fully each day, self care is only going to do so much. And, the more we fall in love with the reflection in the mirror, the more easily self care just kind of seems to happen…

While I could be the poster woman for self care present day, it wasn’t always like that. In fact, I related to a robot, or what I now call a human doing, more than I did a human being, I think. 

I don’t really remember hearing the phrase self care (or any of the other buzzwords that are so trendy these days) until some time in my early 20’s — I’m pretty sure that it was in one ear and out the other because I thought I was some invincible outlier that didn’t require much sleep, food, or rest. I was robot Jenn.

Like so many others, I wasn’t motivated to make changes until I was forced to. 

In July of 2012, just 2 months after moving to NC to begin a new chapter of my life, I was t-boned by a van breaking my pelvis and collapsing my lung. 

That was the best day of my life. 

I had to begin admitting I couldn’t do it all alone. 

I had to practice asking for help and allowing it. 

I couldn’t get as much done in day. 

I was human. 

I’d like to be able to to tell you that right then and there I turned over a whole new leaf and began showering myself with so much love that I practiced exquisite self care like a champ, but that’s not the case. 

I healed. 

I wasn’t mindful enough to keep gleaning gold from the lesson I learned. I didn’t know I could rewire my brain to work for me instead of against me. 

As soon as I was better and I had no need for the “new way” of doing things, I went back to my comfortable, independent, hard working little set up. I mean.. Look how far it had gotten me — I wasn’t even out of grad school, and my job was already lined up. I had a new car. 


Fast forward a few years to where I began experiencing odd neurological sensations in my leg during the middle of the night. It began getting so bad that I’d have to physically move it with my hands. I had to make some changes again. 

It was at this stage of my journey that I took to seeing an upper cervical chiropractor, which supported me tremendously!

Shortly after, I discovered yoga. As a certified yoga teacher who teaches 2 weekly classes, incorporates yoga into coaching workshops and retreats, and practices regularly, it’s clear that I’m smitten, but I made the mistake of thinking it could “fix” everything. 

Instead of choosing what would be best for me, I chose what would be more comfortable for my wallet and quit the chiro. 

For a while, things were great. And then they weren’t. And that’s what happens when we make changes instead of transformations. We run around in our hamster wheel repeating the same cycle over and over and over again. 

Being a little more accustomed to asking for help, I brought in the support of massage, acupuncture, energy work, chiropractic. I even signed up for a yoga teacher training! 

I was on fire! I was the self care master! 

But I wasn’t. 

And I still didn’t get it. 

Just 4 short years ago during my coaching and leadership training, I learned that what it’s all about is self love. 

The more we love ourselves, the easier self care is. 

While it’s mega important to get massages (I get one monthly), receive acupuncture (also monthly), pamper ourselves with mani/pedis (every 2 weeks for this gal!), therapy, coaching, yoga, or whatever it is that floats your boat, it doesn’t really matter if you don’t treat yourself kindly. 

When you make a mistake, acknowledge yourself for trying. The only failure is to do nothing because you’re too afraid to “fail”. 

Look in the mirror and tell yourself you love yourself in the face of all the things you find hard to love. Let those parts be seen. Forcing them to hide in the shadows will only cause dis-ease, which will later turn into disease. 

Remind yourself all the time that you are not your fears. You are not your thoughts. You are LOVE. 

Instead of judging yourself, practicing being curious. 

Commit to transforming because you can not because there’s anything wrong with you. There is no such thing as perfect, so don’t even waste your time. 

Anything IS possible, and you CAN have it all, but without self love guiding you, the journey will be more arduous and you will not create with anywhere near the same amount of power. 

Sometimes the most extreme act of loving oneself is making the choice to do so over and over again without always knowing how.” 

Because I’m so passionate about the topic of self care, as you may already know, I dedicate my fall retreat: Release. Relax. Restore. A Fall Retreat for Balance and Release. to this very topic.

If now is the time for you to: let go, release tension, and tap back into the creative wisdom of your spirit, I’d love for you join us!

You will have the opportunity to transform the way you care for yourself and others in your life. If you’re already knocking it out of the park, imagine who you can be and what you can do when you immerse yourself in YOU for 3 nights and 4 days.

Imagine it…

How do you feel after caring for yourself on that level?

This is the time of year we are in need of stillness. We need some rest and deep relaxation in order to mindfully integrate all that’s transpired over the past year.

If your body craves real and delicious whole foods that are vegetarian and locally sourced, it’ll thank you forever–think a high octane machine vs. a diesel.

Does daily yoga to stretch and restore your muscles sounds divine? Well, then, get ready to fill your cup back up in a big way. 

My favorite part is that I will be providing group coaching to move you through any of your limiting stories about self love, self care, etc so you can transform your life! NO! the coaching will not be “all pushy and strict” as someone asked. It’ll be tailored to you, delivered with love, and organic. You will get exactly what you come for and go as deep as you choose. This is all for you; However that looks.

See you in the Blue Ridge?!? 5 spots left–snag yours today

Please, share with anyone that may not see this without you if it would contribute to their level of thrive in any way. We’ve gotta look out for each other!

Oh, and don’t forget… tomorrow is the first day of fall. I’ll be celebrating the equinox at Okra here in Charlotte for some shamanic breathing and sacred cacao from Guatemala.

How will you step into this energy rich time? Maybe give yourself the gift of YOU?!?


My Bio
Jenn Shull is an ontologically trained life and leadership coach who combines coaching, neuroscience, behavioral psychology, and yoga principles to support her clients in creating a bolder vision and life. Jenn focuses on mindset coaching and the science of manifestation to fast-track results to help her clients manifest what they desire in their lives, businesses, and careers.


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