Some time during the fall, I began noticing how so many of us apologize for EVERYTHING.
“I’m in your way. I’m so sorry. Let me move for you.”
I told this person no, and I’m interpreting that they won’t like that… I’d better apologize for not saying yes.
I showed up authentically, and I was too much for everyone. They don’t like when I get excited and show up that way… I’d better apologize.
Well, ya wanna know what?!?
I’m not sorry for taking up space in the world.If someone thinks I’m in their way, that’s their unresolved baggage that they get to work on if they choose to–I will not take on that energy.
I’m not sorry for saying no when it’s in alignment with the life and business I’m here to create.People get to be disappointed if I say no, but if they’re disappointed in me, again–their stuff to work on, not mine.
I’m not sorry for showing up authentically!If we don’t, then it’s all about people pleasing, which is a never ending quest to be good enough. AND, if all we’re seeking is external validation, we are showing up as something we’re not, which is a actually a manipulation to get people to like us or love us. When we like and love ourselves, none of that matters!
This next “I’m not sorry” isn’t an easy one… In fact, I’ve been struggling with it for the past few months or so, and I’m ready to be done leaking so much of my precious energy around that.
Here it goes…
I’m not sorry if I’ve ever stood for you (or anyone else) to the point where I made you uncomfortable.
You see, it’s my job to:
- Stand for what people say they want
- Connect to people’s greatness and reflect back what’s possible when they can’t see it
- Notice all the ways people, unconsciously and subconsciously, self sabotage so we can disrupt the pattern
- Not let people go MIA when that’s not really what they want
- Show up in my power and see where I get to serve–even when I don’t want to
My job is UNCOMFORTABLE, but I’m willing to be with that in order to transform this world because we need a mindset shift, and we need it now!
I’m not sorry for taking a stand for people to have the lives and businesses of their dreams.
Some invitations for you:
1. Notice where you are apologizing for things that are completely unnecessary.
- What is your experience when you give up your power like that?
2. Even though it may feel weird, practice owning that you are the one giving it away, no one is taking it from you. Once we own it’s ours to give away or keep, we stop seeing ourselves as victims, and we begin to see that we really are the creator of our lives!
3. Practice taking up space! I’ve been having my yoga students take up more space on their mats for the past week.
- Where is your playground to try on new ways of being and doing?
As always, I’m here for you in any capacity that you need me.
Hey there, it’s Jenn! I’m a mindset coach for overwhelmed entrepreneurs and untapped intrapreneurs to shift their mindsets and transform their worlds. I created my business, The Bold Thing, to help you bring your vision to life in a sustainable way. You’re here to make an impact; I’m here to make sure you do–while experiencing deep fulfillment, abundance, joy, and FUN!