Have I ever told you that I don’t believe in “failure”? Well, I don’t.
To “fail” is defined as “lack of success”, and only you can determine what success means to you as well as how you’ll know when you’ve reached it.
When I’m wearing my eagle suit, flying above it all, I can always see that perceived “failures” are where the greatest amount of growth takes place.
My 3 month group coaching program for entrepreneurs was set to kick off today, and I chose to cancel it due to low enrollment.
Believe me when I say there are parts present that would LOVE to throw a “Jenn sucks party”, but much to their dismay — my self care is on point, and it’s easy to shift my mindset to a space of compassionate learning.
If you find yourself in a space where it’s challenging to zoom out and see the big picture, ask for help! While I’m an expert at supporting others with finding the gift in all situations, I am not always able to do this for myself, which is why I surround myself with coaches, conscious leaders, and bold tribe.
What I learned from all of this is:
I won’t be able to level up anymore in my business (without being overwhelmed) unless I bring in additional support. For many of us (including myself), this is challenging. Who? When? For what?
Rather than try to figure it out on my own, I’m reminded of Laurel Langemeier’s powerful quote… “Say yes, and then figure out how by finding the people who know how.”
If you’re wondering who Laurel is, she is one of today’s most visible and innovative money experts. She accelerates the conversation about money, sharing how to, not just survive this tough economic climate, but how to succeed and thrive. When people like her give me advice, I finally listen! Our parts that like to be right can be forces to reckoned with at times…
With the support of my coach and my leadership group, I was able to determine that I already have someone on my team that I’m not utilizing as effectively as I can be, so I’ll easily tap into that. I was also able to see who the missing person is. Once I saw that, I realized I already knew who the ideal fit would be, and I’ll be reaching out to her to book a consult today. WIN!!!!!
In addition to the suggestions I’ve already given, I’d recommend you omit the word failure from your vocabulary and replace it with something less disempowering.
And, what always helps me is to remember that the dude who started Starbucks got told NO! 70 some times before he got his YES!
What’s possible for you if you turn every perceived “failure” into your greatest win?!