It’s officially fall here in Charlotte, NC thanks to Hurricane Michael. While I’m grateful for that, I’m also heartbroken for the lives lost and for all those whose existence has, literally, been uprooted. Once again, we are grateful we only had heavy rain and some high winds. (Insert a moment of love sending to those who are in the middle of this devastating experience.)

As you all know, I’ve been participating in another transformational leadership training, which has had me doing a lot of thinking about who I’m committed to being as the leader of my business and life… My mantra is this: I AM a joyful, loving, powerful leader! 

This mantra is so powerful for me that all I have to do — when I’m feeling uncertain, confronted, scared, etc. — is stand with my feet planted firmly on the ground, my shoulders rolled back, my head held high, and repeat this out loud a few times. This reminds me that I’m not all those things that my fear likes to tell me I am. It re-presences me to my joy, my love, my power, my leadership!

When you look at leadership as a way of being vs. something to do, you step into your authentic power, and you make magic! A.K.A. You have major breakthroughs in areas you’ve been stuck in because you showed up as yourself instead of as your fear, which is how you get RESULTS.

Let me ask you this:

  • Who are you committed to being as a leader of life? Of your business? Of your team? Of your family? Of you? (If you’re not answering because you don’t consider yourself a leader, knock it off — Everyone’s a leader! Leadership looks how YOU say it looks! If you’re inspiring someone, you’re leading.)
  • From that place ^^^, what would you be doing more of? Less of?
  • What would be possible for you and those you love? 
  • What’s your mantra?!?

I notice that the more full my cup is, the easier it is to stay committed to my mantra and share it with the world. Then, I notice I create even more joy, love, and power — it’s a game you can’t lose at!

If you are ready to say yes to unlocking the magic that has been inside of you all along and fill that cup up so much that it’s overflowing AND sustain it, be sure you join me a the Art of Living Center in Boone, NC. November 1-4 for Release. Relax. Restore: A life coaching and yoga retreat focused on self love and self care. Registration closes on October 17th, so act fast — You are worth it! 

Real talk time:
If you’re an entrepreneur who is looking to create more income, I ALWAYS level up my monthly salary when I make investments that are aligned with my greater good because when I pour into me, I pour into my business. If you’re not willing to do that, you may want to rethink your career moves.

The very definition of entrepreneurship is to be a risk taker. If you possess entrepreneurial qualities, but prefer less risk, intrapreneurship would be a great route for you. and I’m happy to have a chat with you about that if you’re stuck with what your next move is. I’m a maniac for everyone to be in a career that works for them!