After all those HELL YESES, I’m bringing it back to balance by offering up more noes as I prepare to fly to San Diego on Sunday for stint 1 of 4 of my next leadership training. When I get back next Thursday, I’ll be heading out west again in just over a week for 2 of 4, and I’ll be setting up shop for 11 days. 

Is it time for Release. Relax. Restore. yet? I’m a li’l tired just thinking about the next month!

The fact that I’m only feeling “a li’l tired just thinking about” what’s to come speaks volumes to the amount of transformation I’ve undergone since January. 

I’m going to share with you about a breakthrough I’ve recently had around running a more balanced business and living a more balanced life, and I’d invite you to look for yourself if you see anything that reminds you of you as we are great mirrors for each other. Of course, law of adaptation always applies, so find ways to make it applicable because there’s a lot to take from it if you choose.

 Back in January, I began feeling a little stuck when it came to getting to the next level in my business and life. I could see clearly that my pattern of overwhelm was the culprit. While I’d already done a lot of work around this, it was ready to take it to a deeper level because I was getting ready to play a bigger game.

What does that mean?!?

What that means is I was getting stuck in a loop that consisted of:
— “I’m on top of the world! Everything is great! My biz keeps growing, and I’m so honored to serve so many amazing humans! #WINNING” This way of being would go on until something out of the blue would trigger me and/or there would be a breakdown in my commitment to my well-being, which would segue into…

— “I can’t handle all this — it’s too much! I’m not enough! I don’t want this level of responsibility. I want to hide out. I’m going to lose all my clients.” Not only would I think these things, but I’d look for evidence to prove myself right so that my scared parts would have a reason to quit. When I began to get sick of that story and realize it would create the reality I didn’t want, I’d move to…

— “I am enough! I can do this! This is my path. I am power! I’m here to serve.” This excitement would lead to a TON of action, and when I’m in action, I’m reliable to generate results, which is awesome because I’ll always be in business, but there’s a downside to that — the con is that when I got busy creating from within the pattern, it was all about proving that shitty story wrong vs. being a creator just for the sake of the joy it brought. So, I would bring in all kinds of gold and feel like I was at the effect of it, which would overwhelm me and trigger more old anxious behavior patterns. I’d eventually work through that, and then start the cycle all over again with me being at the top of the world. 

As you can see, there was nothing wrong with going about business and life from that pattern — I live a great life. I own a thriving business, and I love what I do. I’m head over heels with my love of 9 years and our cat children. I travel. I have a soul tribe. Everything has always looked good on the outside. You could have always said, “I’m winning.”

AND, I AM WINNING!, BUT, you can see how the pattern was slowing me down and keeping me from being as joyful and easeful in the process as I wanted to be. 

To untangle this mess, I knew better than to try to do it myself because I know we are limited without support because we can’t see all that lives in the subconscious, and we can’t see any of what lives in the unconscious, so I reached out to my first coach, Dave Kehnast. I chose him because he’s an ontological genius, and I knew if anyone was going to support me with a context shift, it’d be him. Thanks, Dave!

Dave and I worked on this from the end of January – the end of July, and I’ve been using August to integrate all the transformation so as to begin this next chapter with power, ease, flow, and all that other good stuff that lives outside of that pattern. 

You may remember back in May when I said, “What I know is that we (automagically) create a balanced life and business when we achieve balance within. Instead of looking to your calendar to see how you can be more balanced, what do you see when you look within?”

No matter what I would’ve done from a strategic standpoint, it only would’ve band-aided the deeper work that had to be done. 

Now, I’m designing my business and life from a whole new place, and I’ll be enjoying a plethora of travels as abundance rolls in, and instead of being overwhelmed by it, I’ll be celebrating it!

I want this to be your experience, too, which is why Sarah and I have decided to re-open early bird registration through the rest of the month for Release. Relax. Restore.

This all inclusive retreat will take place nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Boone, NC at the Art of Living Retreat Center, which is the capital of zen!

This is the retreat for you if you are ready to love the hell out of yourself, get clear on what’s in the way of an empowered self-care routine, and do the work in safe space so your self-care happens easily and is a reflection of you.

Oh, and did I mention the restorative/chillaxing yoga practices I’ll be guiding you through? How about the locally sourced food influenced by the chef’s homelands?

Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of space for whatever you need each afternoon whether it’s naps, reading, hiking, relaxing in the spa, or checking out the quaint town of Boone. 

Please, reach out if you need support in making an empowered choice in service of moving your business and life forward. I’m here for you.

Fingers crossed it’ll be warm enough for us to do some yoga on the balcony like the people in the picture above!