One of my favorite things about teaching yoga is developing themes for my classes. Not only does it allow the student to go deeper in their learning, it invites me to take a closer look for myself.

One very important thing I learned in my yoga teacher training was to never attempt to teach around a theme that had me feelin’ all the feels, taken out, bothered, etc. as it would be too easy to get mired in my own incompleteness of it.

In preparation of teaching this week’s yoga classes, I’ve spent the past handful of days peeling back more layers to further explore my own relationship to freedom.

I started off the week really tired out. When I’m that worn down, I’m not as adept at re-directing disempowering thoughts, but I’m getting better at it. 

When my alarm went off on Monday morning, I felt upset that I had to get up, that I had to teach yoga, that I couldn’t do whatever I wanted to do. I longed for the freedom to be hunkered down with some Netflix.

I began to notice the powerlessness of my victim mindset and how I was creating it so that I was at the effect of everything. 

Instead of being grateful for all this amazingness I’ve created, I was acting like a prisoner of it.

I re-presenced myself to the fact that I get to choose every second of every day. 

I chose to get up when my alarm went off.

I chose to get out of bed. 

I chose to teach yoga.

I chose to not watch Netflix.

Where are choosing to be a powerless prisoner? (This is an awesome opportunity to take ownership of that so you can shift the way you’re looking at it.) What context would be more empowering?

Last week I mentioned that there’s no better way to experience freedom than in yourself, and I stand by that. Nelson Mandela is a wonderful example of it. 

Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years, but he was never truly a prisoner because of his mindset.

He chose to believe he went on a 27 year holiday.

He chose to “leave bitterness and hatred behind” when he was released so he wouldn’t “still be in prison”.

He chose freedom. 

While I read Mandela quotes and shared stories, I was so present to how true freedom really does begin within. And how that experience in the body, mind, breath, and spirit brings us into a more balanced place…

If you were to practice giving yourself freedom, what would that provide for you in your life? In your business? 

If you’re ready to free yourself from your limiting beliefs so the miraculousness can begin, I have a holiday discount for you — contact me within the week, and you’ll be eligible to receive 15% off all services excluding yoga classes taught outside of The Bold Thing and the retreat.