For the past few weeks, I have been experiencing a lot of excitement and fear. Some of you may already know this, but I made a spontaneous decision about what’s next for me and my leadership in service of my commitment to bring you the most amazing services possible and to being a badass lady boss. I am a stand for all entrepreneurs to have thriving businesses and lives!
I have included an Instagram live video I made 3 weeks ago to share about how I made such a big decision so quickly as I know many of us have stories that we have to go off and think about things. While that can be powerful in some cases, what I’ve found to be true more often than not is we will actually choose from fear and our “figuring it out” process is really more like stacking circumstances in the way of what we want.
Other takeaways from the video include:
If you’re out there practicing what you preach, leading by example, parenting, inspiring — you’re a leader! You don’t need to be a boss, have a company, or have a title.
After we have breakthroughs, we tend to think the “work” is done, but we actually create new comfort zones that will keep us stuck all over again. Fortunately, we have already done some up leveling, so we’re stuck in a place that has more possibility, but we lose momentum just the same.
When I let my fear imagine me traveling to San Diego 5 times over the fall, it was easy to get stuck in circumstantial weeds, but all that stuff moved out of the way when I made a powerful choice — Hell YES!
How I got started on this journey. How stuck and unhappy I was just over 4 years ago. How it seemed as though the life I had created was done from a disempowered place. How I had no savings, made $41,000 a year and joined a 12 month program that met monthly in Chicago and cost half of my salary — I had no idea how I was going to do it, but I did know that I was done waiting for the “right time! I chose it to be the right time! Poof! Magic began showing up.
Why we shouldn’t wait until we know how.
Why it’s so important to share and celebrate our successes with others!
The reminder that if it’s possible for me, it’s possible for YOU!
And, of course, a bold call to action because life is too short and later usually means never, and I know you want more for yourself.
Enjoy the video and let me know what you choose to invest your time, money, and energy in! (See below for some ideas.)
If you’re in the Charlotte metro area and you’d like to practice investing time, money, and energy in yourself on a lower gradient, come on and spend 2 hours with me THIS Saturday morning (June 23rd) to slow you down and shift you into a delicious energy rich state of being before focusing on one area of your life you’d like to move forward! A Bold Practice for Your Busy Brain: Slow It Down. Stretch It Out. Create Your Life. ℠ will catapult your creativity in new directions with some structure to make it that much more real and doable!
Of course, if you’re ready to play a bigger game by investing at a higher level, I have plenty of options for you to choose from. Let’s chat!