Is it just me or did the week fly by?!?

This month has been an incredible one from the Soulful Leadership Intensive I participated in, to my trip to Boston, to spending Sunday in Chapel Hill paying homage to some of my favorite music/musicians, to having pajama day on Monday with my boo… 

Thursday, I’ll end the day early so I can get my sissy from the airport and spoil her rotten in Savannah until Sunday with two more of my favorite humans. As a mother of twins, she gives so much of herself everyday and seeing her commitment to filling her own cup makes my heart soar.

On the flip side, I’m also starting to get a little tired out. Cue the shitty committee. 

I haven’t worked one full week since April, and “I’m getting behind with (what feels like) “everything!”.

“It’s all gonna fall apart.”

“You’re not doing enough.”

While I’m keeping that beast at bay, it requires energy to tame the tiger, and with my reserves being a bit lower due to the travel…

This is where it gets slippery.

This is where the rubber hits the road. 

This is where I get to choose.

Will I chose to get sucked into that sexy story of overwhelm to slow it down because that’s what an overwhelmed response says?

Or, do I surrender to the fact that this is all exciting, not actually anxiety inducing, and being able to do stuff like this is why I work for myself?

Ding! Ding! If you knew that I was going to acknowledge I was creating my own anxiety so therefore I could uncreate it, you chose right! 

To set me and my sweet biz up for some major success, I just plugged all 11 of my daily commitments (to thrive) into my calendar. (If you’re wondering what this is, think a self care plan but for a business. Imagine 11 things that I know if I do daily, will set me up for a predictable amount of success and then some.)

The more we learn about ourselves, the more we learn about our business! 

And, let’s definitely not forget lots of self love and self care. We transform at faster speeds when we take good care of our inner and outer landscape.

What’s your current relationship to self care? If you considered self care a divine responsibility to keep your nervous system healthy and allow money into your bank account, what would that look like? What might get in the way of that? How fast could things move in your business if you could find a way to breakthrough the story and care for yourself and your business in an entirely new way? 

If you’re ready to touch on some of these questions, TONIGHT, from 8 pm – 9 pm EST my retreat partner and I are gifting YOU a FREE 60 minute workshop: Putting the self back into self care! You will get a sneak peak into our fall retreat: Release. Relax. Restore. Early bird discount is good through the end of the month, and this workshop is a great way to see if this is for you. Simply reply to this email to get the call info.

As always, if this topic is one you could use support with outside of a retreat setting, reach out and we can explore ways to work together from coaching to yoga to a hybrid. I’m here to serve, and I’m honored to be with you. 

P.S. I’ve attached a lovely picture of a mountain view from a quaint little brewery I visited in Vermont the other week if that helps you get into retreat mode.
P.P.S. If you’re curious about why mountains are such magical places to hold retreats, check out this Facebook Live video.