I quit my job after working with a coach for only one month. After two conversations with Sarah Olin, another coach, I invested $16,000 in a coaching program — and I didn’t have that money. 

Everyone in my life said I was crazy.

I thought I was crazy!

My first conversation with Sarah helped me get clear. She reflected that I seemed more interested in becoming a coach than hiring one, inviting me to join the program in Chicago with only one week left to make the choice.

During our second conversation, she led me through an exercise that got me present to who I really was at my essence, which gave me a new way to relate to myself, my life and gave me access to possibility. 

This helped me shove away the parts of me that were fearful:  

You make $41,000 per year!

You don’t have debt but you don’t have savings either!

You might ruin your life!

But I also kept coming back to this: I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but if this is who I am at my core, I’ll be able to use the support of the coach they will give me in the coaching and leadership program. 

That’s when abundance came right to my door: I was never the girl who got random checks in her mailbox. But that’s what happened: Employers were sending me checks for old 401Ks. My parents were finding long forgotten savings bonds. I even had a check show up in the exact amount to attend a friend’s wedding in Mexico.

I’d never had the experience of abundance showing up in my life before because I never made a choice where I actually risked anything. I played it safe, I played it logical, I played it strategic and I didn’t show anything bigger than me that I believed in. 

Whether you believe in god, spirit, universe, whatever your jam is, you have to be leaping and taking the first step.

What people said was craziness was the thing that allowed me to quickly build and not be the overwhelmed entrepreneur. 

You can’t settle and you need to give yourself a chance.

A lot of people I’m coming into contact with aren’t choosing anything, so nothing is happening. This story of if you don’t know how, you shouldn’t do it, is wrong: If you already know, you’re actually not playing a big enough game. If you know how, it’s within your comfort zone. You need to be able to see the vision without knowing how to get there. 

That’s the kind of game I want to invite more people to play. 

The kicker right there is it can never be about the money. Maybe you’ll still decide to wait and do it the same way, but the place I want people to be looking is beyond that. Get into a more elevated conversation.

If you’re ready to take the leap, here’s how you can do it with clarity and heart:

1) Be careful who you’re spending time with. If you’re spending time with people who are in a conversation about scarcity, you’re going to hold on to that because your scared parts are going to want to join the party. I told my parents I loved them, but them mimicking all the fears in my head was not helping and I’d have to not talk to them until I got where I’m going. They understood.

2) The truth is, there’s no salary paycheck. Even if you have a so-called steady job, you don’t know what’s going to happen — and the unknowns can be a breeding ground for fear. If you don’t get past this stuff sooner rather than later, you’re not going to build your business as powerfully.

3) Stop telling yourself stories. This may be the story about your business: That if you get to a certain place in your business, the money story is going to be gone. That might not be the case. You may have your own version of this story, but you get that there’s fear around stepping out with your finances. Maybe if you make a certain amount of money, you’ll feel like you’re winning. You may even say you can’t do something in your business until you’re making a certain amount of money. Don’t do that!

Tell me: Do you hold your money as being abundant? Flowing in and out freely? Or do you hold money as not flowing in that easily and you better hold onto it tight because it won’t come back when you let it go?

Oh, an update on my house: It’s actually done! Check out the before and after in the beginning of today’s post.