In the last quarter of this year, I’ve been working on my website. 

When you’re an entrepreneur, websites, branding and reinvention can seem like a straightforward Point A (no website or website-not-you anymore) to Point B (boom, website) proposition, but there’s a beauty to how they all interconnect — or even intermingle — in a Point C to Point A and a little Point B situation. 

Here’s how it started: I was talking to a colleague and realized I was at a new place in my business.  I’m busier than ever, making more money, and getting worn thin from wearing all of the hats as an entrepreneur.

My friend said I should make a list of what I’m good at and really love to do, plus the things I’m not good at or hate to do.

I’d heard that before, and didn’t think I needed to do that. 

But when my colleague was reiterating old advice, I decided to give it a shot. 

Lying in bed one night, I made this list and noticed the things I wasn’t good at or didn’t want to spend time doing were writing blogs and handling social media. For me, I’m better with people and I want to build my business to be with people more often. 

All of my don’t want’s and not great’s all drove back to my website. 

I had done a beautiful website only a year and a half ago, so I wasn’t expecting to redo it. I didn’t plan (financially) on the redesign and in the end, and I still needed help with copywriting.

That’s when I started working with designer Lisa Speer. She helped me clean up my verbiage and trim it down, and build a whole new website. With the dual blessing and curse of growing quickly and evolving, my beautiful website no longer reflected who I was as a coach, and a redo was less time intensive than making small changes. 

Everything she showed me was exciting. Every fiber of my being said this is who I am and it’s so aligned with where I’m going. There’s a powerful belief in speaking and actually putting together an action plan to support all that. That’s how things happen. I made a declaration to this choice. 

And we dove in. 

Then something magical happened: The money started rolling in the middle of all this reinvention.

I took my business to a new level before my new website was even ready.

Now that we’re here, I can launch my website right before the start of 2018.

Plus, I’m well-supported these days: I now have a social media person and a writer who gets me

I am coming into this holiday with all of that love.

I can come into 2018 with all of that off my plate.

The truth is: It wasn’t just about the website. The fruits of my labor were already starting to roll in. The gift here was I showed up as who I had to be and did what I had to do to make that happen. 

It’s fundamentally changed my game.