It’s no secret that video marketing is said to be the wave of the future. The ability to go live is allowing us to take it even further by inviting our followers behind the scenes and into our worlds, having the ability to interact, streaming live events, sharing news, hosting interviews, ETC.
I’ve begun to notice that (in my network) not many entrepreneurs are taking advantage of this opportunity. Naturally, this makes me curious…
If there is a surfeit of statistics out there telling us all why we should be doing this, why aren’t we?
While it’s never black and white, my assertion is that our good old friend fear is what’s blocking quite a few of us — It’s what had me stopped until July when I decided it was time to Rip the Bandaid Off.
While I’m by no means an expert at live video marketing (or even marketing for that matter), I am adept at coaching people through their fears so they don’t get stopped before they start or get stuck in a series of false starts.
With that being said, I’m going to share 3 tips to practice that will support you in creating a better experience for yourself.
- Practice going into your videos unattached.
Being unattached does not mean not caring; it is a way of being where you’re not focused so heavily on the outcome. It’s not about the results you want to generate; it’s about the experience you want to cultivate for yourself and for your viewers. From that place, you’ll have a better chance of creating something powerful and showing up more authentically.
Of course, results do matter, but when you’re starting out, the win is about the fact that you did something new, not necessarily how it went.
If you’re looking to stand out, create juicy and impactful content, have your messages reflect your brand, and all that good stuff — my recommendation would be invest in someone who has expertise in this.
As I’m putting together my 2018 business budget, that’s at the top of my list. There’s not much you’ll catch me doing on my own anymore.
- Practice not making it about you.
When we are scared, our natural instinct is to protect ourselves, which makes it all about us. Before you go live, close your eyes, put your hands on your heart, inhale deeply through your nose, exhale fully out of your mouth, and connect to who you’re serving and how you’re going to benefit them. Why your message is important. Why you’re the one to deliver it.
Set the intention that you will not allow how many likes, comments, views, shares you get (or don’t get) to be a reflection of you’re self worth. You are just starting out, and you need to give yourself grace.
Your message will not be for everyone.
People accidentally click on videos and back out immediately because they didn’t intend to be there in the first place.
There are lots of lurkers who will watch it, but forget to go back and hit like or make a comment – we have short attention spans and we’re too busy.
Don’t allow your interpretations to create your reality. It’s probably not about you!
Once you’re live, if you start making it about you again, pause and come back to your intention. Perhaps you even have your intention somewhere you can see it while recording…
3. Don’t just wing it.
While this may sound like common sense, I did my first handful thinking I had to be 100% unscripted so I could be authentic, and I wound up rambling.
This is especially important if you’re easily distracted because it can be flustering to see people joining, leaving, liking, commenting — there’s a lot going on.
Have a clear focus on what you’d like to provide your audience with and the points you need to make along the way to make that happen.
Practice it a few times prior to if it helps you gain access to more flow.
If you’d like to get a 4th bonus tip, check out the Facebook Live video I did last night.